We believe that God is three persons of one substance, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, equal in every way.
God is the creator of the universe. He made the world and the humans in it (Genesis 1-2) and wanted humans to live life in relationship with him. Instead the original humans, Adam and Eve, chose their own way over God’s way and this caused separation between God and humankind. God sent Jesus as his way to rescue humans from sin and to bridge the gap that separated him from people. In Exodus 34:6-7, God describes himself as a “compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.”
Jesus is the Son of God who came to the Earth as God in human form to carry out 30 years of ministry and gathering disciples and followers, before dying on the cross and taking away the sins of the world. Through his sinless life, he was the perfect sacrifice for all sin for all of time and took God’s judgment on himself, for our sake. Through Jesus and choosing to live as he did, we are set free of anything we may have done in the past and are able to live life in relationship with him. Jesus is equal with God and the Holy Spirit and wants you to know God through him and wants to meet with you through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit is God’s power in us, that meets with us and ministers to us his presence. The Holy Spirit reveals God’s character to us, his peace, his love, his gentleness and his comfort. Through the Holy Spirit we are transformed to be more like Jesus and we can do the work of Jesus on earth. We believe the Holy Spirit heals people from physical and emotional pain, sets people free of addiction, oppression and fear and brings us in line with who God has made us to be. The gifts of the Spirit (such as prophecy and tongues) are available to believers in Jesus and we love to use these gifts when we meet together.
Do you want to know more about who God is and the way he wants to have a personal relationship with you?
We’d love to talk to you more about this – you can drop us a message via the Contact tab on this website or come along to one of our Sunday gatherings or mid-week Life Groups where you can find out more.